Believing Benefit in Things Which Do Not

آخـــر الــمــواضــيــع

Believing Benefit in Things Which Do Not

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الموضوع: Believing Benefit in Things Which Do Not

مشاهدة المواضيع

  1. #1
    الصورة الرمزية بنت الأزور
    الحالة : بنت الأزور غير متواجد حالياً
    رقم العضوية : 7531
    تاريخ التسجيل : Aug 2010
    المشاركات : 503
    المذهب : سنيه
    التقييم : 13



    افتراضي Believing Benefit in Things Which Do Not

    Believing Benefit in Things Which Do Not

    Yet another form of shirk ( polytheism ) is to believe that certain things can bring benefit , while the Creator has not made them to do so . For example , some people believe in amulets and spells , or wearing certain types of pearls , sea-sh.e.lls or m.e.t.a.l earrings and so on . They do so upon hearing the advice of fortune-tellers , magicians or in accordance with inherited customs . They hang them around their own or their children`s necks to ward off the evil eye- or so they claim – or they tie them onto their bodies , hang them in their cars and homes , or wear rings with special stones , thinking that these things can relieve or ward off distress . This , without a doubt , is contrary to the idea of relying on Allah , and will only result in making a person even more weak . It comes under the heading of seeking cures in things which are haraam ( prohibited ) . These amulets obviously contain much shirk , such as seeking the help of some jinns ( genii , Demons ) and devils , or vague drawings and illegible writings . Some of these liars even write aayaat from the Qur`aan , or mix them with words as menstrual blood . Hanging these amulets or typing them to one`s body is haraam ( prohibited ) because the Prophet said
    Whoever hangs an amulet is guilty of shirk / polytheism

    Reported by Ahmad , 4/156; see also Silsilat al-Saheehah , no. 492

    If the one who does this believes that these things can cause benefit or harm instead of Allah , he is a mushrik ( commits polytheism ) . If he believes that they are means of causing benefit or harm while Allah has not , then he is a mushrik who is guilty of ash-shirk al-asghar ( less polytheism ) , which come under the heading of the shirk in attributing causes to things other than Allah

    ترجمة الموضوع للعربية هنا :
    The translation into Arabic is here

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة بنت الأزور ; 03-28-2011 الساعة 01:45 AM

    «« توقيع بنت الأزور »»
    قال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية رحمه الله : " إنما يفسد الناس : نصف متكلم ، و نصف فقيه ، و نصف نحوي ، و نصف طبيب ! هذا يفسد البلدان ،و هذا يفسد الأديان ، و هذا يفسد اللسان ، و هذا يفسد الأبدان "

Believing Benefit in Things Which Do Not

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Believing Benefit in Things Which Do Not

Believing Benefit in Things Which Do Not