Gossip and Backbiting
Many gatherings people produce nothing but gossip about other Muslims and slander of their honor . This is something which Allah has forbidden His slaves , and has drawn the most repulsive analogy to put them off . He says
And do not backbite one another . Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother ? You would hate it
[ Surah al –Hujuraat ( 49 ) : 12 ]
The Prophet :salla:explained the meaning of this aayah . He said
Do you know what gheebah ( gossip or backbiting ) is
They said , " Allah and His Messenger know best
He said : " To say something about your brother that he does not want to be said
He was asked , " What do you think if what is said about him is true
He said : " If what you say about him is true , this is backbiting , and if what you say about him is not true , this is slander
. "
Reported by Muslim , 4/2001
Gossip or backbiting means saying something about a Muslim which may be true but which he does not like to hear spoken , whether it be about his physical appearance , his adherence to religion , his worldly affairs , his self , his behavior or his character . There are many forms of gossip , including talking about a person's faults and imitating him to make fun of him
People take the matter of gheebah very lightly , although it is very serious in the :salla:sight of Allah , as is indicated by the words of Prophet
There are seventy-two forms of ribaa, the least of which is as bad as a man having intercourse with his own mother , and the worst of which is when a man slander the honor of his brother
Silsilah al-Saheeh , 1871
Whoever is present in a gathering where gossip takes place should forbid this evil and defend his absent brother . The Prophet :salla: encouraged us to do this when he said
Whoever defends the honer of his Muslim brother , Allah will protect his face from Fire on the Day of Resurrection
Reported by Ahmad , 6/450 ; see also Saheeh al-Jaami` , 6238